Why I Chose the Prepaid Cell Phone Carrier I did

Hello fellow frugal friends,

A few months ago I made a post about ditching your cell phone contract, but I myself had not gotten to that point.  I wanted to be there, I really did, but it just hadn’t worked out that way yet.  I couldn’t decide which prepaid plan to switch to, if it was worth cancelling my current contract early, and so on.   Well, the day finally came where I got my hands on a Verizon phone for such a great price, that it prompted me to do the switch.


That’s the biggest question I think you will want answered, and I wish I could say it was because they had the best price.  We all know the entire purpose in my life is to get the best price, but this time, I did it for other reasons.

A.  I had an ALMOST new phone in great condition that I got for the perfect cost I was looking to spend.

B.  I’ve only had two carriers since I got a cell phone- Verizon or Sprint.  They each had their good and bad qualities.  Verizon has better service, and while I don’t talk much on the phone, it is super annoying not to be able to have a conversation with someone when I want to.  And no, we do not have (or want) a house phone.

C.  For $60 a month, I get 2 GB data and unlimited everything else.  I have had unlimited data for so long I am kind of afraid I will go over and not have data at the end of the month.  This would be devastating… HOW WILL I FACEBOOK WHILE I AM AT WORK?  If this happens a lot, I will probably switch back to Sprint.

D.  The process was so simple and the employee was so helpful.  This is my eyes, is a huge plus.

E.  While I cut my contract early (I owe Sprint $120), it is as if I am paying one full month at Sprint.  For 2 phones it was $160.  So… it is worth cutting the cord IF, and only IF, you have the means to pay the bill outright and not put it on a card that will accrue interest.

If you haven’t read my post about all the options you have when it comes to pre-paid phones here is the link:

Cancel Your Cell Phone Plan

I am excited about saving $100 a month.  Each carrier has it’s own perks so find the one that suits your needs! 🙂  I hope this helps you cut the cord.



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